The Power of Giving: "What does your dream home look like?"

Nancy Youssef's 2017 visit to Malawi opened her eyes to the opportunities she had to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. During her trip, she met a single mother named Martha who was infected with HIV and raising four children on her own. Their conversation about Martha's dream home, which was estimated to cost only $280, inspired Nancy to reflect on the power of her work to bring positive change to others.

In her view, effective giving should be rooted in passion and alignment with one's values. She encourages other businesswomen to find a cause or organisation that resonates with them, as this will make giving feel less like a chore and more like a fulfilling part of their daily work. Nancy believes that when giving is tied to personal passion, it becomes a source of energy and vision, much like a career that one is truly invested in.

See Nancy’s experience here

Nancy Youssef